CANCELED - Monthly Writer' Critique Group with Seven Bridge Writers' Collaborative

Wednesday, June 226:00—8:00 PMZoom

Seven Bridges Writers Cooperative hosts this Monthly Writing Critique Group for All Genre Writers.

The group will meet the fourth Wednesday of every month as a virtual meeting from 6 to 8 pm. 

To register and participate, contact Seven Bridge Writers Cooperative at

Seven Bridge Writers' Collaborative is a 501(c)3 non-profit creative writing organization that connects writers through educational programming, writers groups, and literary events to encourage, enrich, and support a literary community integral to the cultural life of central Massachusetts. For more information, please visit

Critique, from the Greek kritike tekhne 'the critical art.'

SBWC invites writers to contact us if they are interested in critique. SBWC both facilitates beginning groups and acts as a clearinghouse, connecting experienced writers looking for a new workshopping community. SBWC current has both day time and evening groups meeting in three different towns.

The critique workshop is not about the writer's background, approach, or choice of subject matter, but about the work on the page. By closely examining the work of others in terms of craft (character, point of view, setting, action, dialogue, etc.) we are better equipped to revisit our own work - to see its successes and failures, and to improve as readers, editors, and writers.

Allowing our work to be read by others involves risk, and, for some, considerable trepidation. Our goal is always to support the writer in the revision process. Comments are respectful, based on a thorough reading of the submission, and are supported with specific examples from the manuscript. Instead of speaking in negatives or positives, our comments strive to be helpful.

Critique workshops are a collaborative effort, but remember, you are the final editor of your work. Ultimately, you, the writer, make the final decisions about whether or how feedback applies to the vision you have for your story.

For questions, please contact us at